what now?

Hi there, me again.

I’ve taken the last few weeks to listen, learn, and look inward. I’ve read articles, ordered books (that I eagerly await to arrive in the mail), reposted stories to help bring awareness, and started having conversations with family and friends. But what now?

I wish everything could be different immediately. That BIPOC could truly be free from hate and discrimination and treated as the equals that they are. Now. But something like this, something so ingrained in society, sadly can’t be undone in a day.

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So again, what now? We keep on it. We acknowledge our white privilege and use it to hold ourselves and those around us accountable even if it’s uncomfortable. Especially if it’s uncomfortable. We continue to educate ourselves so we gain a better understanding of what BIPOC have gone through. We demand change and justice again and again and again.

This will still be a place for positivity and fun. However, we can’t truly appreciate those things without recognizing the negative and doing something to make it better. I am nowhere near an expert on anti-racism, I’ve really just scratched the surface, but I look forward to sharing with you the resources I’ve found helpful and continuing this fight.

There is a revolution going on and it demands our attention. Not just today or this month or this year, but until change has been made.

No justice, no peace.

xo jess


new beginnings.


dear white friends.